Monday, July 14, 2008

4 month Doctor Visit

Sarah had her 4 month doctor visit today! Here are her stats:

Weight: 13 lbs 10 oz (she was 7 lbs 10 oz when she was born)

Length: 24.5 inches (she was 18.75 inches when she was born)

The doctor said she's in the 50th percentile for both length and weight - which is perfect! He also said that she looks great! He said not to worry about her not rolling over all the time...that she'll get there and he laughed when I told him about her scooching on her back around the house - he told me she's going to be quite the handful! He said that she's doing really well developmentally as well...with the way she sits up, holds her head up and the way she is so aware of everything going on around her (hearing and vision)! Yea Sarah!!
She also had to get 4 shots (2 in each leg) and the oral Rotavirus vaccine - which she loved last time but hated today. My poor baby!

She pretty much screamed as soon as nurse Bonnie looked at her when we got to the office and continued to scream through the measurements, doctor's exam and shots (which I expected) until we got out of the building. I don't get it! She was great with them last time! I think she remembered what happened the last time she saw them...she got shots then too!
She slept all the way home from the doctor's office and slept for another 2 hours (which is a lot for her during the day) but she's up and has eaten and is now playing (and screeching that lovely new noise of her's!) on the floor!
Here's a pic of her from this afternoon...she still has her bandaids on her legs from her shots!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holiday Weekend Pics

A Great Holiday Weekend!

We had a great holiday weekend! Grandma and Pop-Pop were visiting - hooray!! Sarah also had her first rice cereal! It was a little messy and I'm sure she didn't eat any of it, but she'll get used to it and will be eating like a champ soon! Grandma and Pop-Pop are leaving early Monday morning...we can't wait to see them in a few weeks at the baptism!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

We had such a nice day today!! We met up with Brian, Lori and Amelia for breakfast in Covina. They were down visiting family for the holiday weekend! Poor Sarah got a little tired (maybe overwhelmed?) during breakfast while I was holding her on my lap...she actually fell asleep sitting up with her paci in her mouth! It was so cute!! She didn't want to miss a thing!!

When we got home, Sarah's Pop-Pop was there waiting for her! My dad drove down from Reno for the weekend to get his Sarah fix!

Then...ta da!! The little miss ROLLED OVER on her own for the very first time! Whoohooo!! It was from her back to her tummy and she held on to the kick pad on her activity mat to help pull herself over! We're so proud of her!! We can't wait to see her do it again!

She also found the video camera (for the video monitor) in her crib last night! She almost pulled the whole thing out of the outlet in the wall! She kept tugging on it while playing with it, even putting it in her mouth! She also used it to help slide herself up (on her back) to the corner of the crib to get to the little stuffed dog...we think she was also trying to get the mobile "on" button to turn it on again! We have such a smart little girl!

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So Grandma Keenan has been visiting and has decided that Sarah's stuffed animals and dolls need names (of course!).

Here goes - what I can remember so far...

Yellow giraffe with orange polka dots - Shorty
Purple giraffe with multi-colored hooves - Hoofy (of course!)
Pink dragonfly - Tiny
Red Haired baby doll - Maddy
Red Haired camo doll - Sher-Bear

I think that's far...I'll have to add to the list as Grandma comes up with more names!

Blinders and Earplugs...

not for me but for Sarah!!

Feeding time has become quite the adventure! She's SO interested in EVERYTHING going on around her, she takes forever to finish a bottle! Even the ceiling fan is WAY more exciting that eating!

Starting her on rice cereal this THAT should be interesting!!