Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sarah and Her Diaper

Grandma is here visiting this week to help out Chris and me (we've got a super-busy week) and to take Sarah Trick-or-Treating on Saturday! Yay!!

Well, last night Sarah needed a diaper change. Now Chris and I have learned (the hard way) that the diaper changing process needs to happen at super-sonic speed or Sarah will get bored and jump up and leave...and RUN...NAKED...very fast, around the house giggling as she is being chased by one or both of us. Grandma, had not yet learned this lesson so she was taking her time changing the diaper. Well, Sarah had had enough waiting and got up to run around. Instead of chasing her, Grandma said she would put the diaper on Riley and Murphy. Sarah, not phased at all came over to Grandma, pointed at Riley and Murphy's bottoms, showing Grandma exactly where the diaper goes! Then she took off laughing!

I think Grandma learned her lesson!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Aunt Sher-Bear Comes to Visit!

Aunt Sher-Bear came to visit this weekend! Yay!

On Friday, Sarah, Sheri and I went to Mr Bones Pumpkin Patch in West Hollywood. It was hot but fun! Sarah even got a little heart painted on her cheek! Afterwards we went to Sprinkles to pickup some cupcakes - we LOVE their red velvet - YUM!! After we got the cupcakes, we went to have an early dinner at the Saddle Ranch in West Hollywood (on Sunset). They had a mechanical bull that people kept riding but it scared Sarah! We had to keep taking her outside onto the patio each time someone rode it!

On Saturday, Sarah went to Disneyland with her Aunt Sher-Bear who was visiting from Reno! Antie Sher-Bear and I took Sarah on It's a Small World - which SHE LOVED!! (note: the last time we went on it, she hated it) She danced and clapped and sang the whole ride...made our day! She sort of liked the parade...I think the music was just a little too loud for her although she was clapping through it all! Maybe next time she'll enjoy it a little more!

We all really miss Aunt Sher-Bear and can't wait to see her again!

And just because she's so's a pic we took last night! We got these water bottle adapters that let her drink from water bottles (like a BIG GIRL!) without spilling water all over. They work great!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sarah and Her Hoodie

She was so cute with the hood up, I HAD to take a picture!! Normally, she'd rip it right off, instead she wore it up for quite awhile! What you DON'T see is that she is not wearing pants OR a diaper...just the shirt, socks and her Nike's!

Sarah and the Computer

I think we're going to have to get her one of her very own soon!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Much for Safety!

Sarah figured out how to get these off the hutch and the Star Wars cabinet:

Sarah has figured out how to slide these off the cabinet knobs:

Sarah can slide UNDER this gate:

Sarah figured out how to pull these out:

Sarah figured out how to slide this away from the Tivo so she can play with the buttons:

I think we need to move to a bubble!! This kid is going to drive me crazy!!