Yesterday, I found out that I lost a friend. A new friend...a wonderful, funny woman I met through The Nest, chatted with on Facebook and finally met when she attended a get-together at my house just a few weeks ago. I really felt like I had known her forever! We talked a lot about her pregnancy...I answered questions she had about aches and pains and what to expect. I calmed some fears...and we laughed about stupid things like Farm Town (on Facebook). I kept teasing her because she was "nesting" so much the last week or so...I KNEW Gabrielle would be coming soon!
I went out of town Friday morning to a conference for the weekend in Las Vegas. Even with poor cell reception and no Wi-Fi, I continually checked to see if there was any news about Jewelyn and Gabby. On Saturday, Jewelyn posted the following on Facebook:
Even with bouts of nausea for 18 weeks, I can honestly say I have enjoyed being pregnant these past 9 months, but I am also glad this journey is about to end, and start a new chapter in my life. I am 40 weeks pregnant... 0 day to go.
Gabby was finally coming!! Yay!! I kept checking online for updates and finally that evening I saw that our good friend Amy was waiting for Jewelyn to text her that she was ready...ready for Amy to go and take pictures of the birth! I had some trouble sleeping that night (now I know why)...I kept checking online for any news - but there wasn't any. I went to my morning conference and before the closing session started, I signed on to Facebook and read a post asking for prayers for Jewelyn. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe...I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. I was shaking so hard...I had trouble getting online to find another message that would give me more information. When I finally did...the news wasn't good. Jewelyn gave birth to her daughter via emergency c-section the night before and ended up suffering an amniotic fluid embolism and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). She was brain dead. During my flight home, I received the message that she had been removed her from life-support.
My dear, wonderful, funny, sweet friend was gone. My friend who wanted this baby so badly - she had suffered a miscarriage before finally getting pregnant with Gabby. My friend who never got to hold her baby after giving birth to her.
Gabrielle was immediately taken to UCLA Medical Center for observation. She is doing great and is expected to be released from the NICU later this week. She is a miracle and a blessing!
My group of friends have set up a fund for Phillip (Jewelyn's husband) and Gabby through PayPal and are arranging to have a tax-free fund created. As I get that information I will post it on here. Any contribution will help...
Please pray for Jewelyn, Phillip and Gabrielle...Please thank God everyday for the family you have and hug and kiss them whenever you can...As I learned yesterday, life can be taken away in an instant.
I miss you, my friend...

Photo taken by our friend Amy just 2 weeks ago...