On Sunday, Sarah and I were driving around the shopping center, going from Target to Babies R Us...a fairly typical weekend morning for us.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL so we had the windows down and the radio up listening to some good music when all of a sudden something catches my eye in the side-view mirror and I hear a click - click - click. I stop and look and Sarah has thrown her Binky OUT the window! And now she's LAUGHING!! Well...needless to say after I saw it rolling around the parking lot I decided NOT to go pick it up and give it back to her. She'd lost it for good.
Fast forward 3 days and I'm driving the little miss home from daycare. She'd somehow smuggled another bink into the car and was (happily?) sucking away in the backseat. We came to a red light and after I came to a stop, I hear a click-click-click and I see her hand sticking out the window. I didn't see anything on the ground but there was quite a bit of traffic. The light turned green so I started driving along and the next thing I hear is Sarah SCREAMING "mine!" (over and over and over). Guess she HAD dropped it out the window!
So, decision has been made...no more binkies in the car...although, now I'm afraid she'll throw something else out! I've been keeping an eye on the stuff we've got back there...I have visions of her blanket hanging out the back window while she's laughing away...