Our amazing friend Amy (or Mamie as Sarah calls her!) took our Christmas pictures this year! Poor Sarah had broken her arm a week or so beforehand (jumping off an outdoor play toy at school) but instead of postponing the photo session we decided that it would make for a great memory and have the pictures done - totally Sarah!! That's our little daredevil!! Amy, as usual, did a fantastic job!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Florida Visit with Grandma and Grandpa Gray!
Just before Thanksgiving, Chris took Sarah to Florida to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gray!! Grandma took her to a store that just had baby dolls!! So much fun!! They also spent some time at the mall in a cool playground! I really missed them but I'm so glad she got to know her Grandma and Grandpa and spend some time with them!!
Thanksgiving Weekend
We had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend this year and I think we've started a new tradition with our good friends!! The Treviranus-Horwitz clan headed down from the Bay Area on Wednesday to spend the long weekend with us!! On Thursday we ventured out to spend the day at Disneyland to see the amazing Christmas decorations that Disney has up! We even stayed late to see the parade and the fireworks!! On Friday the 2 Lori's spent the day cooking our Thanksgiving meal. It was delicious!! Saturday was spent relaxing and in the afternoon the Gray family headed to downtown L.A. to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live - one of Sarah's favorite shows!! On Sunday our friends left for home...so sad to see them go but can't wait for next year!!
Enjoy the pictures!!
Enjoy the pictures!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween was a huge success this year!! Sarah really got into it and loved being a Lady Bug. After her 2nd house she became quite the "Trick or Treat" pro! We went with some neighborhood friends, including her friend Peityn who was dressed up as Cinderella. She had a Halloween party at school on Friday and she dressed up as Princes Leia!
Enjoy the pictures!
Enjoy the pictures!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Pumpkin Patch!
We met up with some great friends at Mr Bones Pumpkin Patch on Saturday for some great Halloween fun! There was face-painting, pumpkin decorating, giant slide-sliding and some bounce house bouncing! Afterwards we all went to Islands for lunch then to Sprinkles for CUPCAKES!!! What an awesome day! We really miss you guys!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sarah and Her Babies
Sarah got a hold of the camera the other night and decided she wanted some "family" portraits...of her and her babies!! She's such a good mommy! She feeds them and puts them down for naps and rocks them, too!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend...Jr League, working on MY Halloween costume (Sarah's already taken care of), errands to run, etc. so Chris took over the Sarah-watch on Saturday. This is what happens when Sarah gets bored...Imagine my surprise (shock?) when I walked by the Star Wars room and saw that Tornado Sarah had struck again!

After church (on Sunday) and before running our errands for the day we decided to go to Cowboy Surfer for breakfast/brunch. We picked up a paper on the way...Sarah decided to check out the candy deals while Chris checked out the specials at Big 5!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Yes...It's Been 4 Months Since I Last Posted...
Yes...I know...I'm a HUGE slacker for not posting since JUNE!! It was quite the summer...lots of changes for ALL of us! New job (me)...new daycare (ok...several new daycares - long story)...new and busier schedules, all of which take me to OCTOBER! And somewhere along the line I've lost pictures...I mean I remember taking pictures but now I can't find them. So, I've uploaded what I could find and have put them out here for your viewing pleasure. And I PROMISE that I will be a better blogger by posting more and taking more pictures! Sarah's just too cute not to!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sarah at the Chino Youth Museum
Grandma Keenan took Sarah to the kid's museum in Chino this morning and Sarah loved it!
Sarah Got A Hold of the Camera
She LOVES to play with our camera and saying "cheese!" to get everyone to smile. To bad she hasn't learned to always move her finger out of the way!
Tornado Sarah
Miss Sarah has been out of daycare since June 1st and is being watched by Grandma Keenan at home while I finish up my job with Safeway. The little tornado has had a rough time adjusting to staying home as you can see in the pictures below...

Blue crayon on the closet doors in the guest room.

The corn starch Grandma put on the couch to soak up the pee - yes, she peed on the couch TWICE! We didn't get a pic but she peed on the other couch that night. Yes...not only did she have 3 "accidents" in 1 day (she'd been accident free for so long!) she had each one on a couch!

While Grandma was corn-starching the couch, Sarah yanked out a vertical blind in the kitchen.
Wow! Aren't two-year-olds fun??
Blue crayon on the closet doors in the guest room.
The corn starch Grandma put on the couch to soak up the pee - yes, she peed on the couch TWICE! We didn't get a pic but she peed on the other couch that night. Yes...not only did she have 3 "accidents" in 1 day (she'd been accident free for so long!) she had each one on a couch!
While Grandma was corn-starching the couch, Sarah yanked out a vertical blind in the kitchen.
Wow! Aren't two-year-olds fun??
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Trip to Disneyland!
We had our monthly trip to Disneyland a couple Saturday's ago...only THIS time, Brian, Lori, Amelia and Penny came with us! Yay!! They came down for the weekend and we had so much fun! Friday night we hit Chick Fil A for dinner then went to a new neighborhood park that had some cool playgrounds. On Saturday we were all up bright and early for our LONG day at Disneyland AND California Adventure! It was Sarah's first trip there and despite a trip to First Aid (for an eyewash - sunscreen in her eyes) she loved it! The Bug's Life area had a few great rides for her! After California Adventure we went to Downtown Disney for a little shopping, dinner and balloons! The trip was too short as everyone left Sunday morning for home. Can't wait for them to come down again!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Easter Weekend
What a beautiful weekend!
We spent Saturday at an Easter Egg Hunt party and had so much fun! There was a huge bounce house and lots of other kids to play with - the Easter Bunny was even there! Sarah was a bit nervous about the GIANT bunny...she would wave at him but definitely kept her distance! There were 400 eggs to look for during the Hunt! What fun!
On Sunday we had our own Easter Egg Hunt for Sarah. She really enjoys looking for little prizes!
We spent Saturday at an Easter Egg Hunt party and had so much fun! There was a huge bounce house and lots of other kids to play with - the Easter Bunny was even there! Sarah was a bit nervous about the GIANT bunny...she would wave at him but definitely kept her distance! There were 400 eggs to look for during the Hunt! What fun!
On Sunday we had our own Easter Egg Hunt for Sarah. She really enjoys looking for little prizes!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Bay Area Visit
A few weekends ago Chris and Brian went to Las Vegas while Sarah and I flew up to the Bay Area to keep Lori and the kids company! We flew Jet Blue out of Long Beach and Sarah had her own seat with her own TV! She loved it! She had some trouble keeping her headphones on but the TV kept her happy during the short flight north.
On Saturday we went to visit my friend Becky and her little girl Tabi (who is a week younger than Amelia and about 10 months older than Sarah). The girls had a GREAT time together playing on Tabi's backyard playset and investigating her beautiful backyard! That night we got to see other family friends and their kids - so much fun!
On Sunday we flew home - again, Sarah was great! She's become quite the little traveller!
On Saturday we went to visit my friend Becky and her little girl Tabi (who is a week younger than Amelia and about 10 months older than Sarah). The girls had a GREAT time together playing on Tabi's backyard playset and investigating her beautiful backyard! That night we got to see other family friends and their kids - so much fun!
On Sunday we flew home - again, Sarah was great! She's become quite the little traveller!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sarah and Her Big Girl Bed!
On the eve of Sarah's 2nd birthday, we came home from celebrating Chris' birthday to heard that Miss Sarah had climbed out of her crib. Miss Jill said she wasn't hurt and was actually quite proud of herself for accomplishing this new feat! Fast forward 1 week, Sarah hadn't climbed out of her crib again so we figured she had had her fun and wouldn't do it again. WRONG! That Saturday morning, after hearing her wake up and want to get out of her crib, I went in to get her and she had 1 leg over the side and the other leg was in mid-swing. OK! Time to get Sarah into a bed STAT! We already have enough visits to Urgent Care, thank you very much! So that day, Chris and I purchased Sarah a full/double size bed. We plan on using the sides of her crib as the headboard and footboard (when we figure out how to attach them). She has been successfully sleeping in her new Big Girl bed for a couple of weeks now and appears to like it! She has a lot more room to move around (which she does a lot of in her sleep) and she loves it when Mama or Daddy gets in with her to read!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Dancing Girls!
After the birthday party, Sarah and Amelia decided to get their dancing groove on with Aunt Sheri! They had so much fun! And were hysterical to watch! They've got some killer moves!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sarah's 2 Year Pictures
A good friend took some pictures of Sarah (and us!) for her 2nd birthday pictures. I love the way they came out!! As always, she did a FABULOUS job capturing the "real" Sarah (who spent most of the time running)!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sarah's Birthday Party!
The theme was ladybugs! Bright reds and black...how cool is that? From the invitations to the 24 goody bags I decorated with a sharpie to look ladybug-like! A fun time was had by all - despite the rain that moved the bounce house to the garage within the first hour of the party. Pierce and Sarah were not affected by the sudden downpour INTO the bounce house at all!
Thank you to all of our dear friends and family who came from near and far to help celebrate our Love Bug's birthday! You all made it so special!!
Thank you to all of our dear friends and family who came from near and far to help celebrate our Love Bug's birthday! You all made it so special!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Princess Turns 2!
I can't believe it's been TWO YEARS since our little miracle arrived! She has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives! Everyday we have new experiences that we love seeing through her eyes. We can't remember what life was like before she came along. She's definitely our gift from God!
Happy Birthday, baby girl! Your Mama and Daddy love you SO MUCH!!

Newborn Sarah

Sarah at her 1st Birthday party!

Sarah's 2nd Birthday
She's gotten so big!!
Happy Birthday, baby girl! Your Mama and Daddy love you SO MUCH!!
Newborn Sarah
Sarah at her 1st Birthday party!

Sarah's 2nd Birthday
She's gotten so big!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
No More Pneumonia!!
Hooray!! She has been cleared to go back to school! A really big Hooray!!
She's also off the Mucinex and the Proventil inhaler but has to complete 2 more days of her antibiotic. We can handle that!
Unfortunately this means that Grandma Keenan is going to be leaving for home. We're going to miss her! She's been such a huge help! We don't know what we would have done without her!
She's also off the Mucinex and the Proventil inhaler but has to complete 2 more days of her antibiotic. We can handle that!
Unfortunately this means that Grandma Keenan is going to be leaving for home. We're going to miss her! She's been such a huge help! We don't know what we would have done without her!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Rough Couple of Weeks
Miss Sarah has had a rough couple of weeks.
She had a sinus infection and the anti-biotic the doctor gave her gave her a really upset tummy...enough to go through several outfits a day. Unfortunately, this is not a reaction to the medication but a side-effect. Once she finished that, she was actually OK for a few days but then woke up with a horrible cough. Chris took her to Urgent Care (because it happened on a weekend naturally) and the doctor said it hadn't moved to her lungs but would put her Zithromax to keep it from doing so. By Wednesday she still had the cough and still had a fever...a high enough fever for daycare to send her home. I took her to Urgent Care (again, after office hours) and the doctor said she had asthma bronchitis. He gave her 2 nebulizer treatments (which she HATED), a steroid shot, a prescription for Proventil inhaler to be used every 4-6 hours and told us to finish the anti-biotic...oh, and to keep her out of daycare the rest of the week.
By Saturday her cough seemed better and she did too but by that night, things went quickly downhill. She woke up from her nap with a fever so we started the rotation of motrin and tylenol which didn't really seem to help much. She also seemed to be breathing quickly...short breaths. The funny party of all of this is that she was eating...A LOT...which she hadn't done for the last week! Her fever kept going up and up and by 3am it was 103.8. Chris and I debated a trip to the ER and decided to just keep her cool and take her to Urgent Care first thing in the morning. We saw the doctor almost immediately after arriving and when he listened to her chest he said he heard some pneumonia but wanted it confirmed with x-rays. PNEUMONIA!! That never even occurred to Chris and me!! Well, the chest x-ray comfirmed the original diagnosis. She was given an anti-biotic shot and instructions to continue with the inhaler and see her regular pediatrician the next day. Sarah took a long nap Sunday afternoon and after 7 long days, her fever finally broke. Hooray!!
Grandma Keenan flew down Sunday night...Chris and I were at a breaking point from exhaustion and worry and needed some help. On Monday, Grandma and I took Sarah back to the doctor. He could still hear the pneumonia in her lower left lung. We were told to continue the inhaler, give her some Mucinex 4 times a day to bring up the "icky stuff" and give her an oral anti-biotic twice a for 10 days. She is to stay out of school (it's contagious) and have a re-check next Monday.
Sarah has actually handled all of this better than Chris and I have!! Looking at her running around as usual, you'd never guess she was sick. Thanks to everyone for their good thoughts and prayers...they've really helped us get through this!!
She had a sinus infection and the anti-biotic the doctor gave her gave her a really upset tummy...enough to go through several outfits a day. Unfortunately, this is not a reaction to the medication but a side-effect. Once she finished that, she was actually OK for a few days but then woke up with a horrible cough. Chris took her to Urgent Care (because it happened on a weekend naturally) and the doctor said it hadn't moved to her lungs but would put her Zithromax to keep it from doing so. By Wednesday she still had the cough and still had a fever...a high enough fever for daycare to send her home. I took her to Urgent Care (again, after office hours) and the doctor said she had asthma bronchitis. He gave her 2 nebulizer treatments (which she HATED), a steroid shot, a prescription for Proventil inhaler to be used every 4-6 hours and told us to finish the anti-biotic...oh, and to keep her out of daycare the rest of the week.
By Saturday her cough seemed better and she did too but by that night, things went quickly downhill. She woke up from her nap with a fever so we started the rotation of motrin and tylenol which didn't really seem to help much. She also seemed to be breathing quickly...short breaths. The funny party of all of this is that she was eating...A LOT...which she hadn't done for the last week! Her fever kept going up and up and by 3am it was 103.8. Chris and I debated a trip to the ER and decided to just keep her cool and take her to Urgent Care first thing in the morning. We saw the doctor almost immediately after arriving and when he listened to her chest he said he heard some pneumonia but wanted it confirmed with x-rays. PNEUMONIA!! That never even occurred to Chris and me!! Well, the chest x-ray comfirmed the original diagnosis. She was given an anti-biotic shot and instructions to continue with the inhaler and see her regular pediatrician the next day. Sarah took a long nap Sunday afternoon and after 7 long days, her fever finally broke. Hooray!!
Grandma Keenan flew down Sunday night...Chris and I were at a breaking point from exhaustion and worry and needed some help. On Monday, Grandma and I took Sarah back to the doctor. He could still hear the pneumonia in her lower left lung. We were told to continue the inhaler, give her some Mucinex 4 times a day to bring up the "icky stuff" and give her an oral anti-biotic twice a for 10 days. She is to stay out of school (it's contagious) and have a re-check next Monday.
Sarah has actually handled all of this better than Chris and I have!! Looking at her running around as usual, you'd never guess she was sick. Thanks to everyone for their good thoughts and prayers...they've really helped us get through this!!

Friday, January 22, 2010
Christmas Videos
I just found our Flip yesterday and lo and behold there were some Christmas videos on it! Most were taken by me but there are a couple of surpises for you!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monthly Trip to Disneyland!
We made our monthly trip to Disneyland on Saturday. Sarah had a GREAT time! Last month she didn't want to go on any rides and had been scared of the rides (except Small World) the last few times we went. Not this time! We started off on Small World which was still decorated for Christmas...it was so pretty and Sarah LOVED it! Dancing and clapping her hands...she was so happy! After that we hit the Storybookland Boat Ride which we'd never done before. It was just "ok"...nothing special but Sarah seemed to enjoy it and that's all that matters! Chris and Sarah then went on Dumbo which Sarah had been pointing at each time we walked by it! She didn't love it and actually said "mama" at one point but she didn't hate it either. I then took her on the carousel. Last month I couldn't even get her to sit on the horse and we had to get off the ride before it even started. This time she knew what to do and seemed to really enjoy herself! After the carousel the 3 of us headed over to the Teacups which she also liked! We then went over to the Haundted Mansion which Sarah did not really care for at all...she never cried or screamed but just whined the whole time. Based on her reaction there we decided not to go on Pirates of the Caribbean. We did head over to the Winnie the Pooh ride which she always enjoys!
After we were done with our rides we went to the Blue Bayou restaurant for lunch. It was SO YUMMY!! We are definitely going to be going back!
After we were done with our rides we went to the Blue Bayou restaurant for lunch. It was SO YUMMY!! We are definitely going to be going back!
Corgis Everywhere!
Chris took the 2 boys to a Corgi playdate a couple of weeks ago and took some great pictures! One of the Corgis was from the same breeder and looks A LOT like Murphy! They go to their playdate about once a month and love it!
Friday, January 15, 2010
What a Mess!
We sure know how to have a good time! And the bigger the mess the more fun we're having!!
Sarah decided her puzzle rack would make an excellent chair!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sarah's "New" Bed!
So at the last minute, Chris and I decided to switch Sarah to her Big Girl bed. We had been talking aobut when we would do it and decided 2 was a good age. Well, some things came up last night and we decided to just go for it...too bad Sarah didn't agree with the decision...
And it's such a pretty Big Girl bed!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sarah at the Park
After spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home watching the Ball drop in New York at 9pm (Pacific Time) we spent a nice afternoon on New Year's Day at the new park in our neighborhood. Sarah LOVED it! There was so much more to do and play on! She had a smile on her face the whole time! We're definitely going to have to visit this park again!
Friday, January 1, 2010
What a Difference a Year Makes!
Goodbye 2009 and Hello 2010!!!
Wow! 2010 already? I can't believe how time has flown by since the Love Bug made her debut almost 2 years ago!! I know! She'll be TWO in March!!
2009 was an amazing year for us all...Sarah turned 1 at a fantastic birthday party in Reno celebrated with lots of friends and family. Dad found out he had actually BEAT Stage 4 tongue cancer! We took an amazing (and exhausting trip) halfway around the world to Ireland where we spent a fun week with friends and family - a trip we'll always remember! Our little girl already has a stamp in her passport! We have watched Sarah grow from a baby to an official toddler...walking, running, talking and sometimes screaming full-fledged toddler!!
This past decade has brought many changes to our life together...from Chris and I getting married in 2004 to moving hundreds of miles from home and our friends and family to finally giving birth to our amazing little miracle Sarah - who we waited so long for!
I can't WAIT to see what 2010 brings us!! It's going to be quite the ride if the past few years are any indication. We're up for it!!
Sending you much love, health and happiness in the New Year!
Chris, Lori, Sarah, Murphy and Riley
2009 was an amazing year for us all...Sarah turned 1 at a fantastic birthday party in Reno celebrated with lots of friends and family. Dad found out he had actually BEAT Stage 4 tongue cancer! We took an amazing (and exhausting trip) halfway around the world to Ireland where we spent a fun week with friends and family - a trip we'll always remember! Our little girl already has a stamp in her passport! We have watched Sarah grow from a baby to an official toddler...walking, running, talking and sometimes screaming full-fledged toddler!!
This past decade has brought many changes to our life together...from Chris and I getting married in 2004 to moving hundreds of miles from home and our friends and family to finally giving birth to our amazing little miracle Sarah - who we waited so long for!
I can't WAIT to see what 2010 brings us!! It's going to be quite the ride if the past few years are any indication. We're up for it!!
Sending you much love, health and happiness in the New Year!
Chris, Lori, Sarah, Murphy and Riley
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