Sunday, April 27, 2008

Last Night

Little Sarah slept in her crib in her own room! She handled it WAY better than Chris and I did and it was probably some of the best sleep she's had in awhile.

I'd planned to keep her with us in our room in the bassinet for a few more weeks, but because she's such an active baby (moves around so much) she kept hitting the sides of it and it was scaring her - especially in the dark.

So, yesterday, we set up the crib with the sleep positioner (to make her feel "cozy") and the video camera (for the monitor) right down in the crib (so I could see her breathing). Chris then decided he would sleep in the twin bed in the room with her to make sure she does ok and so I could get a full night's sleep (what's that??).

She made her usual grunting noises and was up every 3 hours to eat (must be a growth spurt - she was going 6 hours at night between feedings), but she had been doing this all day. I think it went really well, so tonight, she'll be in there all by herself. My big girl!

1 comment:

Miss S said...

she's growing so fast!! I am so proud of her!