Thursday, January 29, 2009
January Has Been Quite The Month!
First the stomach flu...then when she got over that she started to get a cold. She's had plenty of those so we just did what we usually do...turn her humidifier on at night, give her the Rondec DM drops (per doctor's instructions) for the cough and congestion, some Vicks on her chest and lots of TLC from mommy and daddy. About 3 or 4 days after the cold started, we got a call from daycare saying she had a temp of 100 and to come get her. I picked her up and took her to the Ped's Urgent Care Clinic in downtown Riverside (her regular doctor wasn't available). We got in to see the doctor and she didn't have a temp. He said she has a "bug" and to just keep doing what we're doing. Cut ahead a few more days...Grandma and Pop Pop arrive to take care of the little princess while Daddy and Mommy go to San Francisco for the weekend!! Sarah was still a little congested and had a cough but seemed "fine" otherwise. We get back and now I'm feeling worse and Grandma is starting to get it. I go to see my doctor on Monday night and I have a sinus infection. I get antibiotics and some (amazing) cough syrup for bedtime. I was worried about Sarah so Chris took her in to see the doctor Tuesday morning. He said it was a good thing we brought her in - she has a sinus infection and BRONCHITIS!! My poor little baby!! No wonder she wasn't feeling good! The doctor gave her some Amoxicillin, Albuterol syrup and Prednisolone. We're currently on day 3 of the meds (well, most of them, she throws up the Prednisolone and then refuses to take the Albuterol - but she's had ALL of her Amoxicillin doses!) and she seems to be doing much better! What a month!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
We Survived!
Yes, we survived our second bout of the stomach flu! Luckily, it was not nearly as bad as the first time she had it over Labor Day weekend, but it was still not a fun time for any of us! Also, Chris and I have managed to escape it all together! (so far...knock wood...)
We're so glad to have our happy, healthy girl back!!
Here's a picture of Sarah, taken this morning, with her rock-star 'do!
We're so glad to have our happy, healthy girl back!!
Here's a picture of Sarah, taken this morning, with her rock-star 'do!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Update on Miss Sarah
So Sarah had her 9 month well-baby checkup today (even though she's 10 months old).
She's 28 inches long (50th percentile) and weighs 17 pounds 10 ounces (25th percentile). Her head measures 45 centimeters (50th percentile).
I was concerned about her weight. The doctor (who we LOVE) said that as long as she isn't vomiting or spitting up or having diarrhea (or has had a history of those) then there isn't anything we can do. We can't force-feed her - she just tells us she's "Ah Dun" (usually at top volume) as she shoves the food away. She'll just be a "slender" baby! She's healthy and smart and that's all that matters!
The doctor did see FOUR teeth coming in through her top gums!! No wonder she's been a little cranky!! We saw 3 swollen spots but never saw the 4th! He could already see the tips of 3 teeth and could see the white tip of the 4th almost through...said it should be out completely in the next week or so. The poor baby!!
She also got her last Hep B shot and her finger pricked to check her iron level - which was normal.
Now we're all set until March 11th when she has her 1 year checkup! Yay Sarah!!
She's 28 inches long (50th percentile) and weighs 17 pounds 10 ounces (25th percentile). Her head measures 45 centimeters (50th percentile).
I was concerned about her weight. The doctor (who we LOVE) said that as long as she isn't vomiting or spitting up or having diarrhea (or has had a history of those) then there isn't anything we can do. We can't force-feed her - she just tells us she's "Ah Dun" (usually at top volume) as she shoves the food away. She'll just be a "slender" baby! She's healthy and smart and that's all that matters!
The doctor did see FOUR teeth coming in through her top gums!! No wonder she's been a little cranky!! We saw 3 swollen spots but never saw the 4th! He could already see the tips of 3 teeth and could see the white tip of the 4th almost through...said it should be out completely in the next week or so. The poor baby!!
She also got her last Hep B shot and her finger pricked to check her iron level - which was normal.
Now we're all set until March 11th when she has her 1 year checkup! Yay Sarah!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Blog Award!
Robyn at Bliss ~ Felicite gave me the following award! Thanks Robyn, you rock!!
You can check out her blog here.
So the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
So in no particular order:
Amelia's Adventures
Miss S
Definately, Maybe...
When I Grow Up
Angie Eats Peace
Laughter Always
Random Ramblings
Adventures With Baby Bear
These blogs keep me up to date with old friends, allow me to follow in the exciting
new journeys of others and others just plain ol' inspire me.
Monday, January 5, 2009
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