Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Finally A Member of Club 20!

Actually...Club 21!! We took Sarah to Urgent Care on Sunday evening for a high fever (that she'd had all weekend) and the doctor guessed her to be at 21 pounds...we laughed because she's basically been "kissing" the 20 pound mark for several months now! We weighed her on our way out and she was actually 21 pounds!!! Wooohooooo! Way to Go Sarah!!

Yes, she's still rear-facing in her carseat. We've decided after doing some reading and seeing some (disturbing) videos that this is the best thing for now. We're shooting to keep her that way until she's 2...we'll see how it goes!

BTW...she has an ear infection so she's on antibiotics for 10 days. After being on them for 1 day she's already "back to normal".

1 comment:

Leann said...

It sucks to have her still rear facing, but you're right, it's the safest way to have her sit in the car seat.
BTW - that green bow is the cutest!