Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Much for Safety!

Sarah figured out how to get these off the hutch and the Star Wars cabinet:

Sarah has figured out how to slide these off the cabinet knobs:

Sarah can slide UNDER this gate:

Sarah figured out how to pull these out:

Sarah figured out how to slide this away from the Tivo so she can play with the buttons:

I think we need to move to a bubble!! This kid is going to drive me crazy!!


shamrockgrl74 said...

and i thought i had my hands full with little man. all i can say is lots of deep breathes. doesn't always work though. there are days i wish i had a punching bag in the house or a sounds proof room to scream at the top of my lungs in.

Beth @ UnskinnyBoppy said...

LOL Wow! This would be a great entry for my Whippersnapper Wednesday linky love! We'd love for you to come join us!

Katie said...

I'm so glad my little girl hasn't figured any of this out yet!! Good luck to you...