Sunday, August 14, 2011

Meet Alice!

For the last couple of weeks Sarah has been talking about her friend Alice. She would talk about how they played together everyday. I would ask where is Alice and she would say at home. I'd ask where is she from and she'd say her house (ok...Sarah's 3...what was I expecting her to say?). I kept meaning to ask Miss Tanya (Sarah's awesome daycare teacher) about her but we're usually so rushed in the morning that I just drop her of with a quick "hug hug kiss kiss". Finally, I remembered to ask Miss Tanya the other day about her. Well...she does not have an "Alice" at daycare!! She was wondering who Alice was herself! She said she talks about her all day!!

Guess Miss Sarah has a new imaginary friend!!

Sarah has an extremely vivid imagination (which we LOVE!!) This we have known for awhile but I have no experience with kids and their imaginary friends. So, we're just rolling with it. Following her lead and are sure to in include Alice in all of our family activities...she even met us at the beach yesterday (with her daddy)!

As a side note, when I mentioned Alice to my mom she paused for a few seconds and reminded me of her Aunt Alice. A lovely women who even I remember spending time with as a child. Aunt Alice was a playful, fun woman who loved kids. She also told my mom that if she ever found away to communicate with her after she was gone, she would. Hmmmmm...could this be Aunt Alice?? I guess only Sarah knows for sure!!

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