Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sarah and Santa
What a great day! We went to South Coast Plaza with Lori, Brian, Amelia, Lori's mom Linda and Tony, to have Sarah's picture taken with Santa! She was a little nervous but didn't cry - she does look a bit nervous though!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Downtown Disney
We went to Downtown Disney Saturday afternoon to visit some friends who were visiting from the Bay Area. We had so much fun! It was GREAT seeing the Lefevre family! We had a nice dinner and spent a nice time catching up!
I must admit...we went a little overboard while shopping...there were a few things the little miss needed on her first Disney trip...the requisite Disney ears and Disney baby (in addition to the Christmas ornaments, caramel kettle corn and sweets Chris and I bought)!!
It was so much fun watching her look at everything!
She was a little tuckered out and slept the whole drive home...
So tired...
We tried so hard to get Sarah to tak a nap on Saturday. Normally she'll go down for a little bit after her cereal and fruit for breakfast but no...she was NOT interested in sleeping (see post below - "helping" fold the sheets!). Then all of sudden, the room was quiet...We couldn't believe she fell asleep in that position!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
When Sarah Doesn't Like Her Dinner...
So Sarah has a new way of telling me she doesn't like something when she's eating...she spits it out and I don't mean "dribble" out of her mouth, down her chin, spitting it out...I mean full force, projectile spitting it out! I have NO IDEA where she learned this or how she figured this out but I am going to have to start wearing a bib (or old t-shirts) when I feed her! All of my clothes are now covered with little dots of her food...and not all of them come out in the laundry! I repeatedly tell her "No" (with a stern voice) and have even tried the same "Don't You Dare" stare I give the dogs (which DOES work on them!)...both to no avail. In the meantime, I guess I'll fish out my full size apron and wear that while feeding her...

Sunday, November 9, 2008
My Love Bug is 8 Months Old!
I can't believe it...my little one is now 8 months old! Where as the time gone? She gets more and more amazing everyday! I just love watching her explore...the child NEVER stops moving, she's like a shark! She's SO stubborn! When she gets an idea in her head to do something, NOTHING will stop her! (hmmm...wonder where she got that from?!) And she's so happy! She never stops smiling...and her laugh just cracks us up! She has the best sense of humor! Whether she's "exploring" the downstairs (while crawling on all 4's), watching me sing and dance for her or playing with Riley and Murphy and THEIR toys (her toys just aren't enough fun anymore)...she always has a smile on her face! I couldn't ask for anything more! Our daughter is happy and content...exactly what we wanted for our little miracle.
Since she's turned 8 months old, we got to start her on yogurt! Hooray! We gave her Yo Baby Blueberry and while she hasn't yet finished the container, she's had some at each meal she really seems to like it!

Since she's turned 8 months old, we got to start her on yogurt! Hooray! We gave her Yo Baby Blueberry and while she hasn't yet finished the container, she's had some at each meal she really seems to like it!
We also had to start putting shoes on her...doesn't sound like a big deal but it can be for little ones who haven't worn them before. She had 4 accident reports at school...slipping and falling while she's standing up and she bumps her head. So...we decided to put some shoes on her to give her some traction while she's "cruising" around daycare and so far so good! No more falls!
She also sounds like she's getting another cold (as I type this, I can hear her snoring and sniffling in her crib)...she's been "bug free" for a few weeks (even though I have managed to finally get rid of pink eye (twice), tonisillits, an ear infection and a sinus infection), so I guess it was "time" - especially since I saw one of her "classmates" getting her temp checked on Wednesday and then she was "out" on Thursday. Ahhh...the joys of having a child in daycare!
She also sounds like she's getting another cold (as I type this, I can hear her snoring and sniffling in her crib)...she's been "bug free" for a few weeks (even though I have managed to finally get rid of pink eye (twice), tonisillits, an ear infection and a sinus infection), so I guess it was "time" - especially since I saw one of her "classmates" getting her temp checked on Wednesday and then she was "out" on Thursday. Ahhh...the joys of having a child in daycare!
Here's a current pic of the little Miss (and yes, that's my foot)!

Monday, November 3, 2008
What I've Learned in the Past Week...
1. How to crawl on all 4's - still "commando" crawling a little bit - it's easier on the laminate floors
2. How to pull myself up to a stand EVERYWHERE!! The door...the couch...the baby gate...the bean bag
3. How to get into a sitting position from crawling! This was a big step!!!
4. "DaaaaaDaaaaa" and "MaaaaaMaaaaa"
AND, I've got my 3rd tooth coming in!!!
Whew...what a busy week!
2. How to pull myself up to a stand EVERYWHERE!! The door...the couch...the baby gate...the bean bag
3. How to get into a sitting position from crawling! This was a big step!!!
4. "DaaaaaDaaaaa" and "MaaaaaMaaaaa"
AND, I've got my 3rd tooth coming in!!!
Whew...what a busy week!
Sarah and the Zipper
Sarah discovered the zipper on our big bean bag this weekend and just HAD to get that in her mouth! She tried so hard!
Happy Halloween!
Sarah had her first Halloween!! Here is a picture of her in her Halloween outfit at school on Friday.
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