Monday, December 29, 2008

First Steps

Yup, the little Miss took her first solo steps last night! I couldn't believe it! She walked from me to her new activity table all by herself! She was a bit wobbly and had her arms up in the air trying to balance herself but she did it! It took all of my strength to NOT yell out with joy...I didn't want to scare her! She tried a couple more times and fell...once pretty hard up against the activity table. Guess she's going to need a bit more time I'll be sure to have the video camera with me!


Robyn said...

Yay! Before you know it, she is going to be off and walking all over!

Valerie said...

Yay Sarah! That's awesome!

mj said...

Go Sarah Go! I love it when little babies try and balance themselves with their hands, its amazing to me how they figure out how to do that!

IzzysMa said...

Go Sarah!!!! Time to start hiding all the breakables :)