Friday, June 19, 2009

New Things Sarah Has Learned

Miss Sarah has figured out how to pull the outlet protector thingies OUT of the outlets!!'s a fun new game for her to play. Luckily, so far, no fingers or other objects have been put back into the outlets...

She's also just now tall enough to start opening doors...quite the nice surprise when mommy or daddy is going to the bathroom. She thinks it's hysterical!!

Guess we'll be heading to the "safety" department at Babies 'r Us this weekend!!

Oh! She's also up to 13 teeth now!! We can't believe it! In the span of just a couple of months she's gone from 4-13!!! Way to go, Sarah!!!

1 comment:

shamrockgrl74 said...

and i thought logan was trouble. :) he hasn't tried that one yet, although i am getting the outlet plates that turn when i plug is taken out for his room, just in case.