Sunday, June 29, 2008

No interest...

So we've been trying to get Sarah to roll over, either tummy to back or back to tummy and she is just not interested AT ALL!! She IS interested in sitting up though, and is concentrating a lot on doing that instead! She doesn't even like laying down anymore...she grunts like she's doing some major ab work to sit up on her own and just isn't happy unless she's sitting on someone's lap being held in a sitting position looking around the room! She also loves her Bumbo chair and exersaucer (she's way more interested in the Leap Frog sticker on the exersaucer than all the lights and music, but that's ok!)!

I guess if you can sit up you don't need to roll over? :-p We're not worried...she'll get it soon! Grandma Keenan's been practicing with her everyday!

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