On Saturday, we took everyone, including Riley and Murphy to the dog beach in Huntington Beach - while it was FREEZING and super foggy, everyone had a good time...especially Riley and Murphy. Afterwards we went to Sprinkles in Newport Beach and picked up a few cupcakes (red velvet...yummmm) then off to Islands in Irvine for lunch. A long but fun day!
Sunday, Sarah woke up with a teary and red eye. I took her to the doctor and they said she had an infection...either sand got in her eye at the beach or she rubbed sunscreen in it (yes...she wore sunscreen even though we NEVER saw the sun that day at the beach!). So now we have to put drops in her eyes 4 times a day...yes, 4 times a day into eyes that clamp shut as soon as they see both Chris and me coming at her! Everyone left at around 11 am to fly back home to the Bay Area - we miss them and can't wait to see them again!!

Sarah also mastered using her sippy cup! I sent it with her to daycare on Friday and they showed her how to do it...I gave it to her Saturday morning and she picked it up and starting drinking! (And yes, she's drinking out of Amelia's sippy cup in the first pic!)

Monday, the little miss woke up with a "perfect" eye but with a runny nose - like a faucet! I took her to daycare and at 1pm they called me...she had a fever of 101.3! I brought her home and gave her some tylenol and she took a nice nap...but still had a fever. To make matters worse, now I've got a cold too! So Chris took care of Sarah while I tried to get sleep and "get better" but Miss Sarah just wasn't "right"...she was up most of the night crying and whining - it was so sad!! Chris took her to the doctor Tuesday morning and yes, you guessed it...another ear infection!!! Holy Cow...I swear daycare must pass these out to the kids there!! So now she's on Amoxicilling for the ear infection, Gentimicin for the eye infection, Tylenol for the fever and teething pain - yup, she's also teething!! The poor baby!!!
Let's hope she gets better soon!!