Thursday, September 11, 2008

ANOTHER Ear Infection!!!

I knew something wasn't right with Sarah when I picked her up from daycare yesterday. She just didn't seem like her usual self and she had only eaten 6oz of formula all day at daycare. At about 5:30pm yesterday she started screaming and crying...I tried feeding her - she didn't want it...I tried the bottle...she didn't want it...gave her a bath (which she usually LOVES) - she just sat there...tried to put her down and she just cried and rolled from side to side. She didn't have a fever so Chris and I thought it was "growing pains" from her 6 month growth spurt so we gave her some Tylenol and she fell asleep...until 12:30am. She finally fell back into a fitful sleep until 6am when she woke up to be fed. She seemed OK...we thought she was just constipated (seemed like she had a tummy ache and her legs were all scrunched up - she wouldn't straighten them out). We fed her some prunes and pears and sent her off to daycare. I called Kindercare at noon and they said she was doing much better! Hooray!! Then they called me at 3:30 to tell me she had a fever of 101 and to come get her. I picked her up and brought her to the pediatrician and yup...she has another ear infection!!

So...she's been in daycare since August 7th and this is her second ear infection AND she had the stomach flu FOR 5 DAYS, which she so lovingly shared with her mommy and daddy!

I picked up her antiobiotics and will start them tonight with some Tylenol to get her fever down. Let's hope she feels better soon!! I miss my happy baby!!


Number one said...

Aw..that breaks my heart. Poor Sarah.
I sure hope she feels better soon.
Just think of all the antibodies she's bulding up. :0(

Amelia & Penelope said...

Awww Sarah, I totally sympathize! I hope you feel better quickly so we can play in a couple weeks!

shamrockgrl74 said...

Poor Sara, those ear infections totally suck!!