Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6 Month Well Baby Checkup

I know she's 6 and a HALF months old but this was the soonest we could get the little miss in for her checkup - especially since she just went off antibiotics for her ear infection on Sunday.

She's up to 15lbs 12oz which is up 1lb 2oz from the 11th when she went in for her ear infection! Woohooo! Which is just a hair shy of the 50th percentile. She's also 26 inches long and her head circumference is 43cm - both put her in the 50th percentile. He's extremely pleased with her growth! Go Sarah!!

She also got her 6 month shots. The poor thing just cried and cried and kept reaching for her "ma ma" the whole time then when she finished and I was holding her she stopped, like someone turned off a light switch. Our next appointment is January 5th! Although, not to be a pessimist or anything but she IS in daycare so I'm SURE we'll be seeing Dr Detereville before then!

Here's a picture of her NOT liking her green beans...

1 comment:

Number one said...

Aw man...that picture just gets me! Happy 6.5 months Miss Sarah!
You gotta let me take pictures of her sometime.