Monday, September 15, 2008

Yea! She's Feeling Better!!

We had a great weekend! The antibiotics and tylenol kicked in pretty much right away and the little princess is feeling much better! I have my happy baby back!

She's also back to eating again (finally) so we started her on squash on Saturday (she's had sweet potatoes which she loves and peas which she hates) and she seems to like them! Hooray! Next up is carrots! She's getting more and more difficult to feed though...there are just way too many things going on to actually pay attention to eating! It's like feeding a moving target!

She's also decided she doesn't want to sit anymore and that she really likes standing up. When I put her back in her crib this morning after her bottle, so I could get her school clothes out, she wouldn't bend her knees...she grabbed onto the aquarium (the same aquarium she likes to turn on, over and over again, in the middle of the night by slamming it with her foot) and held herself up...nice, huh? Same thing happened at daycare only Miss Jill wound up holding her for about 5 minutes before she finally decided to sit and play with the toys.

She also started clapping this weekend! Took us totally by surprise! She loves it when I clap and sing the ABC song (on her exersaucer...that song is burned on my memory FOREVER) for her...she starts to clap along with me!

Looks like she's also starting to try to figure out how to crawl...she's been trying to push her hind end up...almost like the downward facing dog yoga position. She's almost there!!

What a weekend!!

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